Serena Booth.
I am a quirky graphic designer, with an approach that is bold, bright and ever-evolving. Using my in-depth design knowledge, I develop my ideas through brainstorming, sketches and mock-ups, creating concepts until I can find a solution that best complements the brief. What I like about design projects is that I learn through new experiences, allowing my abilities to further develop and improve each time.
Phone: 0498 248 539
Email: s.booth.design@gmail.com
Social: behance.net/serenabooth
Describe yourself in three words.
Bright, bubbly and quirky.
Hobby outside of design?
Some of my hobby's include outdoor photography, going to the cinemas and attending pop culture events.
What type of design do you enjoy the
Of the types of design I have explored this year, I would have to say I enjoyed app design the most. It's fun designing a series of interfaces and prototyping them to see how they interact.
Who is your design inspiration and why?
One of my design inspirations is Takahashi Nakamura, a contemporary Japanese artist. His aesthetic is comprised of bold and bright contrasting colours, simplistic shapes and stylized forms. I find his work quite appealing and I sometimes like to draw upon these types of artistic elements when producing different kinds of design work.
Looking through your portfolio, what is
one piece of work that you are really proud of and why?
The one piece of work I am well and truly proud of is the cat adoption app prototype I created for my major design research project. I am proud of this project as I was able to design a potential solution to help increase the number of cats being adopted from local shelters, while also providing prospective owners with the knowledge they need when learning to care for a cat. Producing this design outcome was also quite rewarding as I was able to create it utilizing soft-ware I have only just learnt to use this year.