Molly Ellis.

Hi my name is Molly! I have loved drawing ever since I could hold a pencil and I’m excited to be able to combine my artistic and design skills to hopefully create some cool stuff.

Social: mollyellisillustrationdesign


Describe yourself in three words.
Artistic, active and forgetful

Hobby outside of design?
I love being outdoors and I ride horses and dirtbikes!

What type of design do you enjoy the most?
I love illustration, especially when I can combine traditional and digital media. I also love designing logos.

Who is your design inspiration and why?
My grandpa, who was a graphic designer by trade and a very good artist

Looking through your portfolio, what is one piece of work that you are really proud of and why?
I am very proud of my logo designs for Roseworthy Outdoor Constructions and Native Publishing logos.

Visualizing Mental Health group project (Uni Foodi) – Honorable mention
