Keely Mackinnon.


I am a graphic designer with a passion for typography and publication design and a strong love for print making and jewellery design. There is nothing I love more than the feel of a newly printed book which has a beautiful cover design and equally well designed type.

Phone: 0439 040 585
Social: @keelymackinnondesign



Describe yourself in three words?
Loyal, honest and organised.

Hobby outside of design?
My favourite hobby outside of design is definitely reading. I love getting lost in a good storyline as it allows me to forget about all my problems and escape the world for a little bit.

What type of design do you enjoy the most? My favourite area of design is publication and print design.

Who is your design inspiration and why?
One of my favourite designers is Kate Moross. Her work is very different from my style and I think that is why I love it so much. Kate’s work is very bright, colourfully and positive with amazing typography and lettering. All her work tries to bring a positive message and make the world a better place for everyone. I would love of my work could have the same positive
impact on the world.

Looking through your portfolio, what is one piece of work that you are really proud of and why?
I am most proud of the zine I designed to promote good mental health in teenagers. This was my biggest project and I went through a lot of changes and problems before I got to the final piece but I believe that my zine will really be able to help all teenagers to improve their mental health.